I as the breeder have a right to retain any kid from either pairings. I move kids to bottle feeding as soon as I feel is right time for them and their dams. Therefore, I will only let them go as bottle babies to an experience/right owner. Otherwise the kid will stay here till weaned. If you decide you would like to purchase from us and has decided on which kid I will take a deposit of $50 (Venmo @Amber-Alexander-54) to hold till pick up or meet up. The rest on that day. If we have made contact and you are unsure I give 48 hrs before I go down the line to next person who is interested. I like to make it as fair as possible. Pricings range depending on pairings, milk stars, progeny etc. I could take kid with me to the shows I will be going to in Texas. Keep a look out may offer some adults. Please feel free to ask me any questions!
Kids to come winter and early Spring
Updated 3/5/25

Describe your image

Describe your image
Lady x Draco T6
Buckling Mini Nubian
Born 2/7 $700
Flashy Bezoar, moonspots, & extensive white,
disbudded. Will have his *B. Dam received her milk star her FF (first freshening)!
He is doing great on the bottle and eating grain/hay. Super sweet and has some great traits to bring to your farm! MDGA
Peppermint X Alpha
Doeling Mini Nubian T10
Born 2/10/25 $800
Bezoar, random white frosted ears and muzzle, and
Roaning, Plus moonspots, & Polled
Can't wait to see this girl unfold. I have to keep my numbers in check so hard to choose this kidding season! I'm in love with this girl's dam FF udder!!
This doeling's granddam on dam side made the top 10 for Butterfat this year!!

Opal X Spyro
Doeling Nigerian Dwarf T5
Born 2/4/25 $775
Very Flashy Buckskin, random white, Blue eyes,
& disbudded. I have high hopes from this pairing. I couldn't choose between her or her sister. This platform was my fault its a bit more slippery than I expected. Will get more pics on a sturdy surface. She is beautiful. Great neck extension and awesome chest plate, and width! I'm loving the length on her as well. She takes a bottle very well and eats grain plus hay. She can go home as soon as 3/10/25. ADGA

Born 2/11/25 $600
This little flashy, Chocolate Chamoisee, blue eyed doeling is wide, open and stocky. I would like to see a better neck extension. She is a sweet gal. Disbudded. On bottle and eating grain/hay.
Lucky x Hartley
Doeling Nigerian Dwarf T11
Pricings may only be changed unless if they are registered and or dual registered. Also if stars have been earned by either parent. Those who are dual registered will be entered into the Vshows if still in my possession. That said if Sale is Pending then we have already agreed on a price and will not change. Only if no pending sales is if or when they shall change. The $50 deposit is nonrefundable. Under special circumstances the deposit can be transferred to another goat under the breeders discretion. The kids are raised with loud noises and around/handled by our whole family. I don't ever plan on selling any hard to catch kids. They are all to be healthy and friendly. If you want a health cert given by a Vet I would be more than happy to get that schedule at the buyers cost. You would get the cert plus receipt. The appt will not be scheduled until the payment for it has been received.
I will not accept any checks. I will accept Venmo @Amber-Alexander-54 or PayPal.
Do not send any amounts until we have been in contact and in agreement.
Note: Mini Nubians cannot be dual registered only the Nigerian Dwarfs can.
I can meet within a range for a pickup/meeting point but if its out of our way such as, not to shows etc there will be a small fee. Once the date has been made for meet up/pickup the delivery fee must be paid day before. If delivery fee has not been made the day before we will not make the trip. If the date made has not been met(picked up or met with) the deposit will be forfeited after 1week. During that week there will be a $10 fee for each day held after the agreed upon date. If I were to have to reschedule then these do not apply.
All kids will be disbudded unless they are polled (naturally hornless).
To helping keeping our herd clean and clear of such once a kid/goat is sold it cannot be returned for biosecurity reasons.
Thank you! I hope to talk to you soon!
- Alpha Ranch
Amber Alexander