Meet the Does
Meet the Does. All does are normal GS6 and negative on all annual testings. I raise quality and good personalities. Nothing is less intriguing than a doe that's hard to work with. We do have some blues eyes in our herd as an added bonus. We do not focus on color but quality and always room to grow in some, therefore we are always looking into how to better the breeds. If have any questions feel free to contact me. To see future/current breedings go to breeding schedule page.
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Merrytale ED Opal
Reserve Champion Fall '23 VShow (both rings)
2nd & 3rd place Spring '23 VShow
Reserve Champion Spring '24 VShow
Nigerian Dwarf
Disbudded. Eye catching
Opal is one who wants all the attention. Very Friendly. I'm excited to see what she brings to the herd. Width is looking great.
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Prairie Wood Desert Camille
3rd & 4th place Fall '23 VShow
2nd & 4th place Spring '23 VShow
Nigerian Dwarf
Disbudded, Moonspot, blue eyes
Camille is kind and a nice looking doe. Her parents had a lot of width and of course I really like that especially in this breed to have ease of kiddings.
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Prairie Wood PL Dolly Parton
3rd & 4th place Fall '23 VShow
3rd & 4th place Spring '23 VShow
Nigerian Dwarf
Disbudded, Blue eyes
Dolly has that very nice slope and great dairy length. Milk lines! I love the way her dam looks and she is very similar. She is out of quads.
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Blue Cactus LG Daisy Dukes
1st Fall '23 VShow (both rings)
1st Spring '23 VShow (both rings)
1st & 2nd Spring '24 VShow
Nigerian Dwarf
Disbudded, Moonspots, Blue eyes
Daisy is very consistent in getting that 1st so far. A very sweet girl. Easy to handle. Of course she has great width. Milk lines!! Her dam has a dream of an udder and I can't wait to see this girls FF.
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Lil' Rascals Ivy Kisses**
Earned her 1 Day Milk Star FF '23
4th & 3rd Spring '24 VShow
Mini Nubian F6
Disbudded, Moonspots, Pendulous ears
Ivy is one of my sweetest goats. She earned her milk star first round and for a 1 day test! She is very easy to milk. Dam to Alpha. I can't wait to retain a doeling out of her. Milk lines! She is very dairy. Her teats are nice and long, which makes it easy on me hand milking.
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Lil' Rascals PA MiLady Stark*
Earned her 1 Day Milk Star FF '24
2nd & 4th place Spring '24 VShow
2nd under both Judges Fall '24 VShow
Mini Nubian F6
Disbudded, Moonspots, Blue eyes, Pendulous ears
​Lady is kind and easy going. Milk lines! Dairy skin. She is an easy milker even as a FF. She earned her milk star her FF! She milks out between 7.3lbs -7.9lbs.
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Cedar Creek SL Icy Peppermint
2nd & 5th place Fall '24 VShow
Mini Nubian F2
Polled, Roaning, Frosted ears & muzzle, Pendulous ears
Peppermint's Udder I'm most excited about! Her dam's udder is awesome from teat placement to attachments! She shows strength in dairy character and Nubian breed characteristics. Smooth blending into shoulder set.
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Alpha Ranch AM Lady Lana
1st & 3rd place Spring '24 VShow
Mini Nubian F7
Disbudded, Moonspots, Blue eyes
​Lana is daughter to Lady x Alpha. I am already pleased with how she is growing. I can already see some corrections that Alpha has given. She is a sweet girl and doing great with collar training. Dairy character. Length and levelness across her topline. Great width in loin & thurl to thurl. Great angulation in rear legs.
1st & 3rd place Fall '24 Show
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Alpha Ranch FS Reverse Uno
Jr. Grand Champion Spring '24 VShow
1st & 3rd place Spring '24 VShow
Jr Grand Champion Fall '24 VShow
Fire & Brimston '24 3rd, 2nd, 5th, 1st
Nigerian Dwarf
Disbudded, Frosted ears and muzzle,
Blue eyes
​Revi is daughter to Camille x Spyro. Beautiful and friendly little doeling that I am already seeing great potential. Width yes!
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Alpha Ranch FS Lucky Stars
4th & 6th place Spring '24 VShow
3rd under both judges Fall '24 VShow
Nigerian Dwarf
Disbudded, Chocolate, Blue eyes
​​Lucky daughter of Dolly x Spyro. She is showing good width. Friendly and a great lil goat. Wide open escutcheon and angulation into rear rib. Beautiful dairy strength.
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